Online security review

Five signs that your workplace needs a security review

When things are going well it’s easy to assume your security systems are performing suitably. However, when it comes to securing your premises, it’s important to be on top of any issues before a real problem arises. Here are some key signs that it’s time for a security review.

  1. You can no longer get replacement parts for your system

  2. Keeping up to date with the latest gadgets is not always about staying stylish. When it comes to security, ensuring your equipment is performing as it should be is paramount. Any piece of technology that is behind the times is a clear reminder to make a security review a priority.

    This does not mean that you have to go out and buy every new CCTV camera or wireless alarm that comes on the market, but do take a look at what your current alarm system offers compared to others on the market. If there is another alarm out there that more effectively meets your needs, then chances are you’re in need of an upgrade.

    We’re happy to help and give you honest advice about what will best suit your needs.

  3. A few things have been going wrong lately…

  4. When things have been chugging along calmly for a long time, it can be easy to miss signs that something is amiss. Did a stray cat or bird manage to find its way into the building? Did a member of staff struggle to find their keys because the external lights weren’t on? If you were to receive a phone call asking for an employee that had left the company some time ago, is that just annoying or a sign of something bigger?

    If an animal has managed to find its way inside, there could be a weak point of entry to the property. If lights weren’t working one evening, are they about to fail completely and give intruders an easier opportunity to break in? A call asking for a former employee can be a serious sign protocol wasn’t followed when that person left so make sure that all of your passwords and security plans have been updated since that employee left.

    If you experience a string of mishaps and you don’t have regular scheduled security reviews, you should be taking a moment to really consider the true meaning behind the occurrence as it could mean you’re in need of a thorough review now.

  5. You could easily pick up confidential information if you took a stroll around your office right now.

  6. Frequent and seemingly unimportant security lapses among staff are common right? Surely most offices have issues such staff as leaving private paperwork out or having their password taped on a post it note in their top drawer… If you’re nodding your head to this then it’s time to implement a better process to train and refresh staff on key security practices.

    Staff are actually your most valuable asset when it comes to security. The most state of the art security system in the world won’t be effective if staff don’t follow the necessary security protocols to keep it secure. All staff should be aware of the basics to the point that it becomes second nature.

  7. You don’t have a date for the next security review in your calendar.

  8. While it’s great to stay alert throughout the year, checking your security is effectively protecting your staff and your property is something that you should be thinking formally about on a regular basis. If you can’t remember the last time you performed a check then you’re probably overdue.

    If it helps, adding checks to your calendar once a year can help you maintain a strong security plan, allowing you to pick up on any shortcomings or faults a lot more quickly than if you were to wait for something to simply go wrong.

    If you feel like you could use some help conducting these checks, you can book an engineer to come out and test all of your systems. Should they uncover any faults, they will make recommendations on how to alter it or suggestions on changes that should be made.

  9. You don’t have an ongoing training system for cyber security

  10. When is the last time your staff had training on how to stay safe online? Similarly, when is the last time a member of staff opened an email that contained a virus? Most of us could probably spot an obvious phishing email asking us to transfer money to a stranger overseas via Western Union, but the ways in which hackers access systems is always changing and becoming increasingly subtle and effective. Sending out regular updates or scheduling regular training sessions can help you to avoid a cyber security slip up that could cost you dearly.

    A quick fix is to ask staff to familiarise themselves with the National Cyber Security Centre and their top tips for online safety. If you want to make sure staff keep themselves updated, holding training workshops for new staff when they first start and schedule refreshers for current staff at least once every two years. You can access free online training from the GOV.UK website.

    Top tips for staying secure online
    Cyber security training for business

    For more advice or to get your security systems checked call us on 01726 65636 or email us as our team are always happy to help.

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