How to winterproof your security systems
With colder weather, lots and lots of rain and gale force winds, winter can wreak havoc with security equipment. Here are a few tips to keep your security alarm systems and cameras in good working order this season.
1. Cover up alarms and cameras
You can buy waterproof plastic cases that can be fixed over your equipment that will shield it from rain, wind, frost, and in the unlikely event it might snow in Cornwall! This is particularly important for CCTV cameras, access control panels and any motion sensors you may have. Put the covers on when it is dry and ensure no water is trapped underneath that might get into the equipment.
2. Waterproof cables and connection points
If your cables are exposed to the elements it can cause risk to safety as well as the equipment. Waterproof the connection points at the very least where the cables connect to the device. You can buy special cables for outdoor use.
3. Make sure equipment is securely attached to a solid structure.
Wind and elements can do more damage than you think, so check to make sure security equipment is effectively attached to a solid and safe structure, if possible sheltered from rain and prevailing winds.
4. Double check temperature tolerance of your cameras
It’s worth double checking the temperatures at which your video surveillance system will remain up and running if colder weather sets in. You need to look at operating temperature in particular. Storage temperature is the temperature at which the equipment can be safely stored when it is powered off. Operating temperature is the air temperature of the environment when the equipment is powered on. If a camera has been stored below the recommended operating temperature, you should let it warm up in a warm environment, with the power off, until it reaches the right operating temperature.
If you want any support making sure your security systems are working well and properly maintained we can help. Call us on 01726 65636 or email